
Foam roller - more than just a massaging tool!

Foam roller - more than just a massaging tool!

3 Foam roller exercises you didn’t know you needed to be doing! If you are familiar with working out I am sure you are well aware of what a foam...

Foam roller - more than just a massaging tool!

3 Foam roller exercises you didn’t know you needed to be doing! If you are familiar with working out I am sure you are well aware of what a foam...

Synthetic or natural skin moisturizer?

Synthetic or natural skin moisturizer?

The skin is the largest organ that we have and yet we may take for granted everything that it protects us from and how we treat our skin. For starters,...

Synthetic or natural skin moisturizer?

The skin is the largest organ that we have and yet we may take for granted everything that it protects us from and how we treat our skin. For starters,...

Incontinence Management, Steps to Take & Where to Find Help

Incontinence Management, Steps to Take & Where ...

Getting a Better Understanding of Incontinence The Canadian Continence Foundation reports that “urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of bladder control and general bladder weakness can have a dramatic impact on...

Incontinence Management, Steps to Take & Where ...

Getting a Better Understanding of Incontinence The Canadian Continence Foundation reports that “urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of bladder control and general bladder weakness can have a dramatic impact on...

I'm Starting a Very Low Calorie Diet….Am I mad ?Or am I ?

I'm Starting a Very Low Calorie Diet….Am I mad ...

By Omar MOULAY, MD   Let's start with the public general consensus that we were all taught at one point which is a "one-size-fits-all" guide:   “On average, women should...

I'm Starting a Very Low Calorie Diet….Am I mad ...

By Omar MOULAY, MD   Let's start with the public general consensus that we were all taught at one point which is a "one-size-fits-all" guide:   “On average, women should...

Everything you need to know about travelling with Oxygen

Everything you need to know about travelling wi...

Are you ready to travel again?  COVID-19 Restrictions are lessening & travelling is imminent that you may as well start packing. Getting ready for a trip can be very exciting...

Everything you need to know about travelling wi...

Are you ready to travel again?  COVID-19 Restrictions are lessening & travelling is imminent that you may as well start packing. Getting ready for a trip can be very exciting...

Sleep Apnea & Hormone Release - Coincidence or Science?

Sleep Apnea & Hormone Release - Coincidence or ...

Coincidence or Science? Today I wanted to discuss nocturnal bathroom breaks and it’s correlation to sleep apnea as well as some fundamentals as to why we seek therapy. I'll discuss...

Sleep Apnea & Hormone Release - Coincidence or ...

Coincidence or Science? Today I wanted to discuss nocturnal bathroom breaks and it’s correlation to sleep apnea as well as some fundamentals as to why we seek therapy. I'll discuss...