Foley Catheters
In urology, a Foley catheter is a flexible tube that a clinician...
PPE and medical supplies
Personal protective equipment: Overview gloves. gowns. surgical masks. surgical masks with visor...
Compression Socks
Compression socks help with circulation. They push blood and fluids back to...

Our Mission
Our mission is to seek out quality medical products that fit both healthcare and homecare settings at reasonable prices whilst not comprimising on integrity.
What our Health Care Professionals are saying
Looking for a small CPAP that is reliable for t...
Looking for a small CPAP that is reliable for traveling? Need something that is long lasting, provides quiet therapy and is light for portability? Well, We may have the answer! ...
Looking for a small CPAP that is reliable for t...
Looking for a small CPAP that is reliable for traveling? Need something that is long lasting, provides quiet therapy and is light for portability? Well, We may have the answer! ...
What Water is this Water? Huh?
By Omar MOULAY As a health care professional, or a patient needing therapy, choosing which type of water to use for medical purposes may at times seem like a kid...
What Water is this Water? Huh?
By Omar MOULAY As a health care professional, or a patient needing therapy, choosing which type of water to use for medical purposes may at times seem like a kid...
Let’s get Past the Embarrassment Together
Incontinence: The Last Medical Taboo Let’s get some Definitions: According to The Canadian Continence Foundation FAQ page Urinary incontinence (UI) is “an involuntary loss or leakage of urine”. In simpler terms, whether...
Let’s get Past the Embarrassment Together
Incontinence: The Last Medical Taboo Let’s get some Definitions: According to The Canadian Continence Foundation FAQ page Urinary incontinence (UI) is “an involuntary loss or leakage of urine”. In simpler terms, whether...